How do instagram bots work? Should I use an Instagram bot for business?

If you’re an up and coming businessman or businesswoman who wants to increase their Instagram business and promote their Instagram account, it may be incredibly tempting to sign up for one of the many Instagram automation tools or Instagram auto bot services in hopes of increasing your IG presence without spending a lot of time or money. However, there are important reasons why you shouldn’t do it, as well as other ways to achieve your goal.

What’s an Instagram bot?

6874There are different types of bot and different apps and services that offer bots, but the core principle is the same. IG bots automatically like other people’s posts, follow other users or comment on their photos.

Do Instagram bots work?

followThere are pretty much no Instagram bots that work, at least in terms of achieving your goal. These services may have been useful once, at the very dawn of Instagram. But think about it, all of us regularly get likes and follows from random people who appear to be following way more people than follow them, or comments such as “Great picture!”. Do you ever feel tempted to view that person’s account? Do you even give a second thought to that comment? Probably not, as the vast majority of IG users is aware of bots by now and just chooses to ignore them. Plus, using a bot is in direct violation of Instagram policies, you can find that your posts actually get less engagement because IG prevents them from being seen by others intentionally.

Instagram bot alternatives

  • Do all the work yourself

instagrIn today’s fast-paced life some days it can be hard to find even a few minutes for social media when it comes to your business account, but you shouldn’t skimp on this. Try finding at least a few minutes in the morning and the evening to interact with your followers, respond to their comments and even liking their pictures if your account is not too large for that yet. People will appreciate communication from a real person and will not hesitate to comment on your posts again if they get a response the first time. After all, 10 real, loyal followers will always be better than 100 bots.

  • Hire a virtual assistant to help

Platforms like Upwork, Fiverr and others have tons of people who offer virtual assistant services to businesses. And it doesn’t have to be expensive - it all depends on how large your account is and how much presence you want. While you may be tempted to go with one of the cheapest offers, this can lead to a disaster. Instead, carefully review candidates’ profiles, their past work, talk to them about your wishes and expectations and find the right fit. A good VA can bring thousands of new followers to your Instagram account and turn out to be the best investment you’ve ever made.

  • Sign up for Leogram

Leogram utilizes advanced algorithms and analyzes huge amounts of data to bring you the most powerful tool for Instagram promotion available online.Sign up today and watch the number of your followers grow without virtually any extra effort from you.

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Thousands followers are waiting!

Spend 10 minutes and be see how easy you can get new targeted followers on Instagram.

Real followers

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